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Maxwell here……. It’s Monday morning and I’m at work. Work today is from 7pm to 2am. Tonight is not my normally scheduled night to work, but the other DJ is on vacation. Painfully that is a word that I don’t embrace very well. Maybe it is because being poor never had “vacations”. Maybe it’s because my life is already half way over. Who knows, either way, I don’t have much time left. I wasn’t born rich. I didn’t even have 2 parents in my life. But then again, that doesn’t really matter. At least not anymore. You see, where I come from and how I grew up doesn’t define me, instead I use it as fuel to ignite me and build the foundation for the me that I know I was always meant to be. I hated being poor. I still fucking hate it to this day. I still live on the poor side of town. The few properties I own are on the poor side of town. But I know, I just know that one day…. THIS WILL CHANGE. How do I know this????
Because somewhere inside… Somewhere deep inside of me I have always felt that I deserved better. I could never understand why my dreams were not reality, and so for at least half of my life I let everything around me quietly tell me what I should believe. I let everything around me dictate how I form my thoughts. And this too will change. Over the last 2, hell, maybe even several years, I have been re-sculpting my life from the inside out. It hasn’t been easy. The journey has been painful, extremely painful. I have had to tear down every wall that designed my belief about life (my life). I have had to unattach beliefs that I have had since childhood. I have had to learn to hate things that I used to love. “Hate” is now a very strong word for me, but like Tony Robbins said, if I don’t burn the boats then I will not ensure that I have no way to truly force myself to go forward. So to me, and at least for now, there are things in my past that I must hate. This new journey has been a very lonely one, a very painful one. But if TD Jakes, Eric Thomas, Jim Rohn, and Les Brown are right, then currently I am going thru a storm. And on the other side of this storm is everything that I have been promised that I could have. All I have to do is weather the storm, have faith, push forward NO MATTER WHAT, and for every storm that knocks me to my knees, I must hold tighter onto my belief that I can make it. There is no other option. NONE.
This morning before I went to bed, I was at my 4plex checking on remodeling work that had been done. And I was speaking to a home owner that lives across the street from my properties. I was explaining to him my vision for the future of my property and how I will move the mindset of the community in the coming years. After our long and lengthy discussion, He said….”You know, I like you, you have really great dreams…” I stopped him there… I said “NO Robert, and I say that with great respect, but they are not dreams! Dreams are things that never happen. To me these things that I will do are my goals!”
You see there is a huge difference in self talk. How I talk to myself defines, how I believe in myself. Over the last several months I have been going skydiving. It has been tough financially, but it has been a great teacher. it has taught me how to cement teachings from great teachers like Jim Rohn, Eric Thomas, Oprah Winfery, Tony Robbins, Evan Carmichael and all of his Top 10 Videos, Napolean Hill, TD Jakes, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Tom Bilyeu and all his guests. (One of my favorite episodes of Tom’s is with Blake Leeper, I will be blessed if I get the opportunity to meet Blake). All these names are just a few of the virtual mentors that I keep in my arsenal. I listen to them literally almost daily. As Wayne Dyer once said, you have to unwrite the program that you call (your life) and rewrite it with a new one. And erasing something that has been written in me since childhood is next to impossible. It’s like trying to unlearn how to tie your shoes. Most people cant even fathom that concept. But for those few that have that inner belief, that whisper…..that quiet whisper that says “you deserve better. You are meant to be better”. Only then with enough grit, determination, faith, self belief, and a do or die attitude. And most of all when you burn the damn boats, you will have no where else to go but to Success.