Hello, My name is Maxwell Stone, and this is my personal journey to a million.

Chronicle Inception: August 28, 2017

Here, you will find one mans journey from poverty to something that he forgot was ever really possible. I write these posts to not only help myself find guidance to my dreams, but to also lay out blueprints for success and to highlight the pitfalls along my travels. My hope is that this will one day be helpful to not just myself, but to others who are also seeking something better than who they are at this moment in their life, a.k.a. .........Success................... Let the chronicles begin…….

Monthly Archives for August 2018

Finding Sunshine

Max with another entry into my mental and visual world.   Today is Friday August 3rd about 9pm (or at least that’s what it was…

One Life, One Chance

Prelude. I saw in my Facebook that a friend of mine (PJ) wrote…. “Life is like an hour glass glued to the table…. Breathe, just…

Una Vida, Una Oportunidad

Dentro de las 3 filas de líneas de puntos es las palabras que dice arriba de el titulo, es el nombre de mi sitio web…

Not A Bad Week.

Max here with another weekly update on my life. It’s Thursday August 16, 2018 and it’s 7:50pm and I am at a Starbucks slowly sipping…

The Panhandler (Seeing The Invisible)

It is Saturday night at the club in Austin. It’s August 18, 2018. It’s about 10:14pm and I just wanted to check in. I know…

The Promise. Thank You Wayne.

Hello world… Max here with another 24 hours that God has given for me to figure this out….. This game, this challenge, this test, this…