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Max with another check in…
It’s Sunday night, 09/23/18 and it’s about 10:36pm. And yes, I’m here at the club. This week….well it’s gone by fast. Actually the last 2 or 3 weeks have moved so quickly, to the point that I have either been mentally sleeping too much or I have just not been on top of how to grapple all that I am wanting and trying to do.
So what’s been happening lately? Well, I saw Joan (the professional organizer) this week. And truth be told, I had been procrastinating on doing the homework assignment that she gave me. I procrastinated until the last several days before meeting with her. And to make matters worse, I did not properly schedule my day with her so I sadly had to reschedule. But the upside is that after meeting with her on Monday, I was better able to see what she was asking me to do.
As for the rest of the week…. well it’s been slow coming. Eloy, is still coming late to work, but at least over the last several days I could see that he is not doing as much drugs/ or at least trying to slow down on the drugs. It is definitely a plus. The next step will be to get him to become a skilled worker. Will it happen? Only time will tell, but I am still aware that I may need to get someone to replace him. (Mental note: Prepare yourself Max)
So for this week he has been doing work at my personal house. And the major thing about this week was more rain! And I mean a lot of rain. It was literally rained everyday. That makes to solid weeks in a row of daily rain. This week, It would rain for an hour then stop for 2 hours, then rain again for another hour. And it rained light and then it would rain hard, then it would go back to raining light, then back to raining heavy. The rain was really a bummer.
Then there is the issue of my current plumber Mike, He finally finished the upstairs plumbing and so I decided to have him take a stab at doing the gas line for my stove… (I have not yet used my stove since I bought it, which was like 3 or 4 years ago. Really sad) But yea, so I decided to give him the contract to do the job and now because he did not properly quote me for the job, he is trying to get more money out of me. This to me is unacceptable. He internally is a good hearted person but when it comes to business, I expect the same quality of internal good heartedness.
Then there is apartment #01. Well, John was finally able to come back to work and as of Friday I saw that most of the flooring was done and that by tomorrow (providing that nothing happens to John) that by tomorrow the flooring will be 100 percent finished and then I can move on to the other reaming items, which luckily are now less than 10 but still more than 5.
Then there is my family abroad, I luckily talk to my sister on a daily basis, and somehow I get the internal instinct that I need to help them. To what degree and how is still yet unknown. It’s actually quite perplexing, because how can I help them when I myself, am still trying to pull myself out of the ghetto? Idk. But somehow, I’m sure God will give me the where with all to accomplish anything that I set my mind to. And for now that’s about the best that I can say about that without getting to emotional.
Now how about skydiving???? Well, I haven’t done it lately because of the rain. Big bummer!
Now how has my mentality been this week? Well, as you can probably tell from this post, I just feel like I haven’t been organized enough or productive enough. I mean, luckily nothing has come to a complete standstill, but my house still isn’t finished, and apartment #01 also is not finished. Which those things, once completed will allow me to put my money to other properties and get things to have more forward movement.
Now what have I been listening to lately? Well, I have been listening to “the success principles” by Jack Canfield. I’ve listened to that book a few times now, but there is just so much info in that book that there is always something new that stands out from what he says that I can ponder and apply to my current life that could help me to stay on course to reaching my goals. Then I have also listened some Eric Thomas and some TD Jakes. (motivation, motivation. simply essential to not giving up. It’s like the glue that helps to make it all stick together) And as of yesterday, I listened to some Bruce Lipton. Really great to understand epigenetics and how it is us that creates our reality. What you think of yourself and your surroundings really does define your potential and what you have in life. So for me it is a lot of deep mental understanding of how to take a man from poverty and somehow melt him down, then re mold him into a multimillionaire. And do it without ever having to have any downtime between transformation.
So overall, this last week has been slow but yet fast. Autumn is upon us and it’s just another reminder that time is moving and I am not moving fast enough. But no worries this next week I get another chance to get something accomplished.
Wish me luck,
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