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So I’ve mentioned “The Experience List” in a previous post, so now the question is this……WTF is it?
Let’s see, some call it a “bucket list”. Bucket list? WTF. Why Bucket List? Of all things you could name it, why on earth would I want to associate things that I want to do in life with “kicking a bucket”? What ever dumbass came up with that correlation is a donkey and should at minimum be tarred and feathered for allowing that analogy to stick for so long.
For me I called it “Things I want to do before I die”. Still wasn’t quite the term I liked but God, it was so much better than “bucket list”. I swear, bucket list just makes me feel like I am already laying in my death bed…… Alright…. Enough griping….
The Experience List. Where did I get this from?
I was watching a video from Tom Bilyeu and his top 10 hacks for life and a man named Vishen Lakhaiani was speaking about hacking life. And he said that you should make a list of things you want to experience in life. And that most things that we want to experience in life don’t really cost that much money. (I’m not sure if I yet believe the doesn’t cost much money part)…. Skydiving has been hell-A expensive and is finally just starting to get cheaper. But it is still costly.
So what exactly is “The Experience List”? In life we all have things that we wish, feel, or in some shape or fashion have been moved to want to do or try. For some, it’s run a marathon, for others, its have children, and for even others its to visit the city of love – Paris. For me one of the things on my Experience List is to have 20 million dollars in the bank in 20 years. Wow, just writing that out to the world is tough- It’s not just a lofty goal, it’s down right scary. Can I do it? Don’t forget, I come from the hood! What if I fail?——But man…. STOP my brain. So Negative. 5,4,3,2,1,….now I have to remember, that my negative mind is always going to keep me safe by not easily allowing me to see that life is just a puzzle and not a problem. Nothing is a problem, it is only a challenge. Now turn that challenge into a puzzle and anything is solvable period. So Yeah! 20 Mill baby!
So Yes, The Experience List…. Make one. Don’t wait to go after everything you wanted in life and from life. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are. Age is just a Fu&*#ng number! Never live your life, only to have at the end of your life, while on your death bed, remembering all the things that you never did, remembering things that you were too scared to even attempt, and then, right before death, only wish that you could have tried a little harder in life or said “Fuckit” one time and try what you were scared to do. Trying is way better than being frozen or too scared to even move. Don’t wait until you get cancer to realize that life’s moment’s are too precious to not do what you always wanted. Don’t wait until you lose your job to finally realize that life is bigger than being at work 24/7. Don’t get so caught up in someone else that you live your whole life neglecting your own wants and needs. No one is going to make you happy but yourself. If you don’t believe me then try reading a book that was recommended to me Viktor Frankl’s – Mans Search For Meaning.
Make that list. Make it as long as you want. Keep it with you as often as you can. Look at it often. The more you look at it the better. It may frustrate you because some things may seem impossible….. But I promise you. I promise you with all my heart. If you look at it enough, then somehow, someway, you will align with the universe and find a way to make things in your list happen. You may or may not make every single one of them happen in your lifetime, but damn. In the end, you sure as hell won’t be left wishing you had tried just a little harder.
With all my love,
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